MARK GREENWOLD: "Bright Promise" (1975)


The Houses of Parliament from the River
( James Francis Danby - 1864 )


New York whith Moon, 1925
( Georgia O'Keeffe )


Schiffe auf Reede, 1820
( Caspar David Friedrich )

Wikimedia Commons

En la cocina (1898)
( Carl Larsson )

lunes, 13 de agosto de 2018


Tchin tchin à ma santé
Tchin tchin je veux t'oublier
Depuis que tu es partie
Je me noie dans le whisky
Tchin tchin encore une fois
Tchin tchin o yé

Tchin tchin à mes amours
Tchin tchin qu'elle me revienne un jour
Je suis prêt à lui pardonner
Car entre nous tout peut recommencer
Tchin tchin mais jusque là
Tchin tchin o yé

Je t'imagine
Blotti dans ses bras
Lui disant des mots doux
Quand moi tout seul je reste planté là

Tchin tchin je me sens bien

Tchin tchin avec mon chagrin
Je n'ai plus qu'à continuer
C'est bien comme ça qu'on enterre le passé
Tchin tchin encore une fois
Tchin tchin o yé

domingo, 12 de agosto de 2018

MAS2ADA: "La boda perfecta comienza aquí"

Por otros me enteré que te ibas a casar
no pude reprimir las ansias de llorar
Deseo que el que hoy te da su corazón
te quiera como yo, te sueñe como yo 

Iré, yo iré a tu boda, a ver tu imagen pasar
con blanco traje de novia, como yo te soñé
Irás del brazo del hombre que te llevará al altar
Y allí tu le dirás el sí con emoción
destrozando mi pobre ilusión

Me alejaré de allí sin acercarme a ti
quiero que seas feliz, no pienses más en mí
Querré siempre saber si él te ama como yo
si cuidará de ti, si es sincero su amor

Iré, yo iré a tu boda, a ver tu imagen pasar
con blanco traje de novia, como yo te soñé
Irás del brazo del hombre que te llevará al altar
Y allí tu le dirás el sí con emoción
destrozando mi pobre ilusión

Nunca más te veré, nunca más me verás
lloraré, sí, lloraré

sábado, 11 de agosto de 2018

ROSA DE SIRIA (Hibiscus syriacus)

(Dedicated to Mycroft)

Where have all the flowers gone, long time passing?
Where have all the flowers gone, long time ago?
Where have all the flowers gone?
Young girls picked them, every one!
When will they ever learn, when will they ever learn?

Where have all the young girls gone, long time passing?
Where have all the young girls gone, long time ago?
Where have all the young girls gone?
Gone to young men, every one!
When will they ever learn, when will they ever learn?

Where have all the young men gone, long time passing?
Where have all the young men gone, long time ago?
Where have all the young men gone?
Gone to soldier, every one!
When will they ever learn, when will they ever learn?

Where have all the soldiers gone, long time passing?
Where have all the soldiers gone, a long time ago?
Where have all the soldiers gone?
Gone to graveyards, every one!
When will they ever learn, when will they ever learn?

Where have all the graveyards gone, long time passing?
Where have all the graveyards gone, long time ago?
Where have all the graveyards gone?
Gone to flower, every one!
When will they ever learn, oh when will they ever learn?

viernes, 10 de agosto de 2018


I'm gonna exchange my things for precious wings and fly,
Over the valley of the kings and the queens where the sleeping cities lie.

One bright night, I'm gonna fly right out my window.
Gonna fly so high in the night sky that the people below won't see me go by.
Gonna fly all around, and smile down on the sleeping countryside.
Fly all around, never come down till Soloman takes another bride.

Then I'm gonna exchange my precious wings for things and die....
Over the valley of the kings and the queens where the sleeping cities lie.
One bright night I gonna fly right out my window.
Gonna fly so high in the night sky that the people below won't see me go by.

Gonna fly all around, and smile down on the sleeping countryside.
Fly all around, never come down till Soloman takes another bride.

Then I'm gonna exchange my precious wings for things and die....
Over the valley of the kings and the queens where the sleeping cities lie.

One bright night I gonna fly right out my window.
Gonna fly so high in the night sky that the people below won't see me go by.

jueves, 9 de agosto de 2018

miércoles, 8 de agosto de 2018

martes, 7 de agosto de 2018


Non ridere,
Non lugere,
Neque detestari,
Sed intelligere


lunes, 6 de agosto de 2018

sábado, 4 de agosto de 2018



I've loved, I've laughed and cried
I've had my fill my share of losing
And now, as tears subside
I find it all so amusing...

viernes, 3 de agosto de 2018


Quando sei qui con me
Questa stanza non ha più pareti
Ma alberi,
Alberi infiniti
Quando sei qui vicino a me
Questo soffitto viola
No, non esiste più.
Io vedo il cielo sopra noi
Che restiamo qui, abbandonati
Come se non ci fosse più
Niente, più niente al mondo.

Suona un'armonica
Mi sembra un organo
Che vibra per te e per me
Su nell'immensità del cielo.
Per te, per me
Nel cielo

jueves, 2 de agosto de 2018

miércoles, 1 de agosto de 2018

NASA MARS - Curiosity

Sol 4171 (2024-04-30)
© Credits: NASA/JPL-Caltech

NASA MARS - Perseverance

May 2, 2024 (Sol 1137)
© Credits: NASA/JPL-Caltech


M100: Una galaxia espiral de gran diseño
© Crédito de imagen y derechos de autor : Drew Evans