martes, 1 de abril de 2014
lunes, 31 de marzo de 2014
domingo, 30 de marzo de 2014
sábado, 29 de marzo de 2014
viernes, 28 de marzo de 2014
jueves, 27 de marzo de 2014
miércoles, 26 de marzo de 2014
martes, 25 de marzo de 2014
lunes, 24 de marzo de 2014
domingo, 23 de marzo de 2014
sábado, 22 de marzo de 2014
viernes, 21 de marzo de 2014
Quan la princesa veié que Tirant se n'anava, cridà Diafebus i el pregà molt que digués a Tirant de part seva que, quan hagués dinat, hi vingués de seguida, perquè ella tenia moltes ganes de parlar amb ell, i que després dansarien.
Quan Tirant ho sabé, immediatament s'adonà del que passava, i féu comprar el més bell espill que poguessin trobar i se'l posà a la mànega. Quan li semblà que era hora, anaren al palau i trobaren l'emperador conversant amb la filla. Quan l'emperador els veié venir, manà que fessin venir els ministrils, i davant d'ell dansaren una bona estona. I l'emperador, al cap d'una estona d'haver badat, es retirà a la seva cambra. I la princesa, tot d'una, deixà de dansar, agafà Tirant de la mà i s'assegueren al costat d'una finestra. I la princesa començà a enfilar aquest parlament:
-Cavaller virtuós, sento molta compassió per vós, pel mal que us veig passar, per la qual cosa us prego que em vulgueu manifestar el mal o el bé que sent la vostra virtuosa persona. Car pot ser que, pel vostre amor, jo en prengui una part, d'aquest mal; i si és bé, jo estaré ben satisfeta que tot sigui vostre. Així, doncs, concediu-me la gràcia de voler-m'ho dir de seguida.
-Senyora -digué Tirant-, vull mal al mal quan ve en temps de bé, i encara li vull més mal quan per ell es perd el bé. I, aquest mal, jo no el compartiria amb vostra altesa, que més m'estimaria que fos tot per a mi que no donar-ne cap part a ningú. I d'aquestes coses, no se'n deu parlar més. Parlem, senyora, d'altres coses que facin plaer i alegria, i deixem les passions que turmenten l'ànima.
-Certament, no hi ha res -digué la princesa-, per estimat que em fos, que, si vós ho volguéssiu saber, jo no us ho digués de bon grat; i vós, a mi, no m'ho voleu dir. Per la qual cosa us torno a pregar que m'ho digueu, per la cosa que més estimeu en aquest món.
-Senyora -digué Tirant-, us suplico per pietat que no em vulgueu fer un conjur tan fort com el que, senyora, m'acabeu de fer, car us diré tot quant sé en aquest món. Senyora, el meu mal ben aviat estarà dit, però jo sé del cert que immediatament arribarà a les orelles del vostre pare i això serà la causa de la meva mort. I si no ho dic, també hauré de morir de dolor i de tristesa.
-I penseu vós, Tirant -digué la princesa-, que les coses que s'han de tenir en secret jo les volgués anar a dir al senyor mon pare o alguna altra persona? Jo no vaig vestida d'aquest color que us penseu, per tant, no tingueu por de dir-me tot el que us passa, car jo ho tindré tancat dins del meu recambró secret.
-Senyora, ja que l'altesa vostra em força a dir-ho, no puc dir res més sinó que amo.
I no digué res més, sinó que abaixà els ulls cap a les faldes de la princesa.
-Digueu-me, Tirant -digué la princesa-, per Déu, que us deixi obtenir el que desitgeu, digueu-me qui és la senyora que tant de mal us fa passar, perquè, si us puc ajudar en res, ho faré de molt bona voluntant, car estic impacient de saber-ho.
Tirant es posà la mà a la mànega i tragué l'espill, i digué:
-Senyora, la imatge que hi veureu em pot donar mort o vida. Mani-li, vostra altesa que em tingui pietat.
La princesa prengué de seguida l'espill i, amb cuitats passos, entrà a la cambra pensant que hi trobaria alguna dona pintada, però no hi veié res sinó la seva cara. Llavors ella comprengué perfectament que per ella es feia la festa i s'admirà molt que hom pogués requerir d'amors una dama sense parlar.
jueves, 20 de marzo de 2014
miércoles, 19 de marzo de 2014
martes, 18 de marzo de 2014
lunes, 17 de marzo de 2014
domingo, 16 de marzo de 2014
sábado, 15 de marzo de 2014
viernes, 14 de marzo de 2014
jueves, 13 de marzo de 2014
miércoles, 12 de marzo de 2014
martes, 11 de marzo de 2014
lunes, 10 de marzo de 2014
domingo, 9 de marzo de 2014
sábado, 8 de marzo de 2014
viernes, 7 de marzo de 2014
jueves, 6 de marzo de 2014
miércoles, 5 de marzo de 2014
martes, 4 de marzo de 2014
lunes, 3 de marzo de 2014
domingo, 2 de marzo de 2014
sábado, 1 de marzo de 2014
martes, 11 de febrero de 2014
lunes, 10 de febrero de 2014
domingo, 9 de febrero de 2014
sábado, 8 de febrero de 2014
I got appointments, work I have to do
Keeping me so busy all the day through
They're the things that keep me from thinking of you
Ohhh baby, I miss you so, I know I'm never gonna make it
Oh, I'm so restless, I don't care what I say
And I lose my temper ten times a day
Still it's even worse when the night's on its way
It's bad, oh, so bad
I got appointments, work I have to do
Keeping me so busy all the day through
They're the things that keep me from thinking of you
Ohhh baby, I miss you so, I know I'm never gonna make it
Oh, I'm so restless, I don't care what I say
And I lose my temper ten times a day
Still it's even worse when the night's on its way
It's bad, oh, so bad
Somehow I'd be doing alright if it wasn't for the nights
(If it wasn't for the nights I think that I could make it)
I'd have courage left to fight if it wasn't for the nights
(If it wasn't for the nights I think that I could take it)
How I fear the time when shadows start to fall
Sitting here alone and staring at the wall
Even I could see a light if it wasn't for the nights
(Even I could see a light I think that I could make it)
Somehow I'd be doing alright if it wasn't for the nights
(If it wasn't for the nights I think that I could take it)
No one to turn to, you know how it is
I was not prepared for something like this
Now I see them clearly, the things that I miss
Ohhh baby, I feel so bad, I know I'm never gonna make it
I got my business to help me through the day
People I must write to, bills I must pay
But everything's so different when night's on its way
It's bad, oh, so bad
Somehow I'd be doing alright if it wasn't for the nights
(If it wasn't for the nights I think that I could make it)
I'd have courage left to fight if it wasn't for the nights
(If it wasn't for the nights I think that I could take it)
How I fear the time when shadows start to fall
Sitting here alone and staring at the wall
Even I could see a light if it wasn't for the nights
(Even I could see a light I think that I could make it)
Guess my future would look bright if it wasn't for the nights
(If it wasn't for the nights I think that I could make it)
If it wasn't for the nights
(If it wasn't for the nights I think that I could take it)
if it wasn't for the nights
(If it wasn't for the nights I think that I could make it)
Even I could see a light if it wasn't for the nights
(Even I could see a light I think that I could make it)
Guess my future would look bright if it wasn't for the nights
(If it wasn't for the nights I think that I could take it)
If it wasn't for the nights
(If it wasn't for the nights I think that I could make it)
If it wasn't for the nights
(If it wasn't for the nights I think that I could take it)
Even I could see a light if it wasn't for the nights
(Even I could see a light I think that I could make it)
Guess my future would look bright if it wasn't for the nights
(If it wasn't for the nights I think that I could make it)
I'd have courage left to fight if it wasn't for the nights
(If it wasn't for the nights I think that I could take it)
How I fear the time when shadows start to fall
Sitting here alone and staring at the wall
Even I could see a light if it wasn't for the nights
(Even I could see a light I think that I could make it)
Somehow I'd be doing alright if it wasn't for the nights
(If it wasn't for the nights I think that I could take it)
No one to turn to, you know how it is
I was not prepared for something like this
Now I see them clearly, the things that I miss
Ohhh baby, I feel so bad, I know I'm never gonna make it
I got my business to help me through the day
People I must write to, bills I must pay
But everything's so different when night's on its way
It's bad, oh, so bad
Somehow I'd be doing alright if it wasn't for the nights
(If it wasn't for the nights I think that I could make it)
I'd have courage left to fight if it wasn't for the nights
(If it wasn't for the nights I think that I could take it)
How I fear the time when shadows start to fall
Sitting here alone and staring at the wall
Even I could see a light if it wasn't for the nights
(Even I could see a light I think that I could make it)
Guess my future would look bright if it wasn't for the nights
(If it wasn't for the nights I think that I could make it)
If it wasn't for the nights
(If it wasn't for the nights I think that I could take it)
if it wasn't for the nights
(If it wasn't for the nights I think that I could make it)
Even I could see a light if it wasn't for the nights
(Even I could see a light I think that I could make it)
Guess my future would look bright if it wasn't for the nights
(If it wasn't for the nights I think that I could take it)
If it wasn't for the nights
(If it wasn't for the nights I think that I could make it)
If it wasn't for the nights
(If it wasn't for the nights I think that I could take it)
Even I could see a light if it wasn't for the nights
(Even I could see a light I think that I could make it)
Guess my future would look bright if it wasn't for the nights
viernes, 7 de febrero de 2014
jueves, 6 de febrero de 2014
miércoles, 5 de febrero de 2014
martes, 4 de febrero de 2014
lunes, 3 de febrero de 2014
domingo, 2 de febrero de 2014
sábado, 1 de febrero de 2014
viernes, 31 de enero de 2014
jueves, 30 de enero de 2014
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Captada la Primera Imagen en Primer Plano de una Estrella Fuera de Nuestra Galaxia
22 de noviembre de 2024
La Nebulosa Medusa